Ok, I just tried running jemplode.jar as suggested, seeing that a Java package is installed under Synaptic. I'm now seeing the "Jemplode splash screen" a fetus? But is is stuck at that. Do I need the Empeg connected to go any further? It's in the car at the moment (secure garage). Thanks again!
EDIT: Here is the text from the command shell:
Warning: -Xmx192M not understood. Ignoring.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.jempeg.empeg.manager.EmplodeUI.EmplodeUI(org.jempeg.ApplicationContext ) (Unknown Source)
at org.jempeg.empeg.manager.Main.start() (Unknown Source)
at org.jempeg.empeg.manager.Main.main(java.lang.String[]) (Unknown Source)
at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.call_main() (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run() (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)