The chief engineer at the radio stations where I work just built me a new computer. I guess it is adequate to the task of running a primarily text-based suite of applications.
3 GHz processor
2 GB striped high speed RAM
400 MHz front side bus
80 GB hard drive for programs
Dual 300 GB hard drives in a Raid-0 array for data
330 GB USB external hard drive for system backups
256 MB video card with digital and HDTV output
52x CD/CD-R/CD-RW/DVD/DVD-R player
Like I said, a minimal system, but adequate to my needs.

It has Windows XP with the latest updates, and this particular version of XP does something I find annoying. Every time I send a job to the printer, a little dialog balloon pops up out of the task bar describing in great detail the fact that I have just sent that job to the printer. It hangs around for at least 10-15 seconds or until I stop what I am doing and X out of it. Now, my printer sits about 30 inches from my keyboard. Since I just sent the damn print job to the printer, and the printer is noisily printing away, there is a better than even chance that I already
know that I am printing that document.
Is there a way to turn this obnoxious message off?