I have stopped using anything at all and just go download the shows.

Same here. I watch both the shows you mentioned, and I just go to the sites. At the moment I watch/listen to:


Basically all the old Screen Savers people and Engadget. I'm thinking about dropping DL.TV, though. Robert is okay, but Patrick doesn't realize that he is so intensely annoying. He drives me up the wall every time he goes off on some stupid tangent that he thinks is so incredibly funny. Stay on topic! And TWiT is getting annoying too. Leo is getting out of touch and is a complete Mac fanboy (not always bad, but he refuses to acknowledge anything Windows related in a positive manner), and Dvorak is, well, he's Dvorak. I can't stand him or that Steve Gibson guy. I don't know if it's a generational thing, but those guys bug me.

At the moment my favorites are Engadget, Diggnation, and InDigital. Peter and Ryan stay on topic, Kevin and Andy have a good time, and the folks on InDigital put out the most polished vidcast I've seen yet.