Well, canon has two 50mm lenes, 4 if you count ones that aren't available at thie time. The 50mm f1.0 the amazing "EOS is a real lens mount" lens, which hasn't been available for years. The 50mm f1.4 is the standard 50mm, but it isn't "professional grade". The 50mm f1.8 (mk II) is the "thrifty fifty" and costs about $75 and is the best deal for a canon lens out there - probably sharper than any zoom. The 50mm f1.8 mk I is the original thrifty fifty, and has a distance scale and a metal mount.
Not that you needed to know any of that. All are good lenses, none are "L" or professional grade. It's really a large hole in their lineup. Easily filled with an stabilized f1.4 or f1.8 lens.
(who appologizes for being drunk, if that affected the posting)