Scientology is not a religion any more than Nike or PepsiCo is.

South Park has been , since its premiere in 1997, one of the best 30 minutes of programming on TV in North America. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking with it. Religion is definitely something that should always be open to humor and mockery.

Parody is protected in the US, so I'm not sure what grounds Co$ would have for taking Parker & Stone to court.

Now implying Tom Cruise and John Travolta are homosexual is another matter... But they danced around that quite a bit and I'm not sure it would count, or cross the line into, as hate, libel or slander. Besides, the last two have to involve false statements

We're way behind on SP here in Canada, but I did see the Co$ episode when it was originally aired (up here) a few months ago. The season has been stalled up here for weeks and I have no idea when new episodes will be on. There may have only been two since the Co$ airing actually.

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