Ooo-err, that *was* a long time ago!

Any show of hands for a mini-meet at the end of July? Note this is not an alternative to the big meet (go there too!), this is more likely to be one day & evening of geeking, beer and undercooked meat plus a BLD's the next morning, not a big event[1].

No competitions, but every chance of walking away with some junk from my loft/the empeg cupboard, both of which are being sprung clean in the next month or three[2]. Ideal for those of you who fancy a knackered Dell Receiver to soothe your hangover the day after.

(show of hands attached, if I can work this out)


[1] Not worth flying to unless the flight is *really* cheap. Think easyjet at their best.
[2] In fact, taking some junk away could possibly be made compulsory. EC rules mean it's getting hard to bin this stuff
Fancy a mini meet, last Saturday in July?
Only one choice allowed

Votes accepted starting: 04/04/2006 14:49
View the results of this poll.