Errr, pardon? I said I couldn't commit to August/September, not July (hence the original July suggestion in the other thread!). I've no idea where you got the idea that I couldn't do july from!

As I said, end of july is a mini meet, it's not the "international annual empeg meet". There won't be t-shirts, for starters

Last year, at the end of the meet, the discussion had been around taking some of the organisation load off Rob S, as it's a big job, and few empeggers had been able to help out in advance given the distance & language barriers.

With the meet in Cambridge itself, it's much easier to split it as suggested - eg, I could do the bbq, Rob V mentioned doing a punting picnic, various empeggers could help with the prettification of the office/car park for the meet, sorting out t-shirts from local suppliers, etc. It'd be nice to let Rob S have a bit of a rest from having to organise everything (from the piss up in the brewery onwards!) and hence keep more of his hair than usual.
