Regarding the "noisy" car environment where everybody seems to think mp3 distortion should be tolerated... here's my problem: road noise tends to be lower frequency. Audio compression artifacts tend to be very high frequency. (...) So to me they are compounded errors - I now hear road noise PLUS compression artifacts. I choose to fight both as much as possible.

Well spoken, sir. Agreed.

but it sure is a hassle trying to figure out how to create a "really well encoded MP3".

Not as much of a hassle as trying to get FLAC to work reliably under alpha firmware on a player that was designed from the beginning to tolerate the data rate of MP3s.

Just use EAC/LAME and set LAME to its highest possible VBR and quality settings. Or heck, just do 320k CBR MP3s. You'll still use significantly less disk space and cache RAM than FLAC would.
Tony Fabris