Recent events have conspired to the point where I suddenly find myself the owner of three Apple Mac products:
  • StarMax 3000/200, 96MB, runs OS9, not upgradable. Junk.
  • Apple Blue&White G3-350 (mini-tower), 768MB, latest OS-X installed.
  • Apple iMac G3-350 slot-load (CRT model), 1GB, latest OS-X installed.

The first one is basically junk unless I can find some EDO SIMMs to bump up the RAM, but even then the hard limit is 160MB. Scrap heap time.

The other two look useful. The B&W has 64-bit PCI slots, so I can use it for big-endian driver development/testing for Linux (runs Ubuntu Dapper just fine).

But what cool things ought I be doing with these? Especially the iMac, with its 1GB RAM?
