This looks completely correct. The player both found the 100GB drive and mounted the second music partition correctly. What kind of errors are you seeing???

hda: PhatNoise DMS 20GB, ATA DISK drive
hdb: ST9100823A, ATA DISK drive
ide0 at 0x000-0x007,0x038 on irq 6
hda: PhatNoise DMS 20GB, 19077MB w/2048kB Cache, CHS=38760/16/63
hdb: ST9100823A, 95396MB w/8192kB Cache, CHS=12161/255/63
Mounting first music partition
Tried to mount /dev/hda4 as reiserfs but got error 19 (this is okay)
Mounting second music partition
Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only

Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs