More likely, the microphone used to do the recording was just not up to scratch. You can hear similar problems on Roxy Music's "Avalon", Zep's "Stairway".

DAC jitter would affect all frequencies and the music would sound appalling. THis is quite unmistakeable. It is more likely that if you are hearing distortion in one frequency range only, then it is recording or the equipment used to play it back. Given the sampling frequency required for CD (44.1 kHz), I would be immediately holding the recording equipment suspect. You mention this "interruption" - a pretty classic sign of a mike distorting due to a sound pressure overload.

You should also note that any DAC needs output filters; you could build two output stages using the same DAC and it would sound entirely different, even through the same speakers - it would depend on the competency of the output stage design and component choice.

If you need and objective ear, I would recommend Henno who also has the most incredible Audio system I have seen in many a year, and one of the largest CD collections I have encountered. Henno?

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015