These could all be issues with inferior recording equipment I suppose. Many CDs are D-A-D Digital recording, Analog Mixing and Digital Media (is that right?) Older albums are just AAD ... only put to digital at the end of the process.

DDD will give you better quality if they used good quality recording components.

DD will give you the best since they avoid the mixing and go straight to CD. I've only got one of these .. a Sony test CD called "Cat Tracks".

If anywhere in that chain, from the microphone to the CD burner to your player, amp, speakers, has any sort of compression, or if the component just can't take the frequency, you'll hear distortion....

If the microphone is sub par, maybe it will only hit 18Khz, but the cymbals (sp!) hit 22Khz, even though most people can't hear above 20Khz, you'll still hear it sound like crap, because it will affect audible frequencies near that range ....

Am I right? I mean I've been a critical ear for a while, but on occasion I can get a little screwed with the technicalities....


Rio Car (10Gig) Blue/Red Face (Looking for Tuner!)
'01 Audi A4 2.8 Quattro