How hard is it to move from windows to Mac? (I'll admit I'm terrified!)

Pretty easy. The only differences are minor.

Biggest thing to get used to is the keys for text editing. The "Home" and "End" keys on the mac keyboard are completely useless, and everything you expect to do with the Alt and Control keys is totally backwards from what you're used to in Windows. That's really all that gives me trouble.

Please have a look here for a day-by-day account of a Windows user (me) getting used to a mac mini.

Are MS Office files interchangable between Win and Mac versions?

Yes. More or less.

I didn't buy MS Office for the mac, instead preferring to try one of the OpenOffice ports. I am unhappy about this, as nothing opens .DOC files properly on the Mac including all the images except for real live MS Office itself. A simple document file with one picture in the corner, for example, doesn't open correctly in OpenOffice (the picture is missing). So if Office file interchangeability is important, then definitely buy MS Office for the mac, too.
Tony Fabris