I was considering buying a TomTom Rider, to be used both in car and on a motorbike. But I am afraid it may be using some older hardware than the latest TomTom series (that 910 belongs to, right?). Does anybody know anything about this? Should I wait that the TomTom Rider gets updated, before buying?
No, it's actually the other way around: the Rider was the first TT model which used the new hardware (SiRF Star III etc), and all the other models (ONE, 510, 710 and 910) came out later.
The only difference between the Rider and the other TT PND's is that TT chose to use Navteq maps wih the Rider instead of Teleatlas maps for some reason.
TomTom has only just this week announced the "European Rider". The only difference with the 'old' Rider is that it already has the upcoming new firmware installed and ships with the complete maps of Western Europe. The hardware remained the same, but still, it's probably worth waiting another week or so for this 'new' model.
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