The following movies were (far) better than X-Men 3:

The Punisher

By biggest gripes with the Punisher were lead choice and character attitude and abilities. Just didn't match well with the comic.

Just off the bat, I'd venture to say one of the best Marvel movies thus-far was also one of their first (and lowest budget), Blade. This recent movie just doesn't hold up on its own. It's also completely superfluous when taken with the previous two (almost like Terminator 3 when taken with T2). X-Men is just so far removed from anything I remember from the comics. Characters not matched well, they're all practically useless in combat, etc..

What I'd like to see is a good script for a 2.5 hour retelling of the series of issues surrounding Dark Phoenix. I'd also love to see the original Longshot mini series turned into a movie.

Given the "quality" of the Marvel movies over the past 10 years, what do you think a retelling of Secret Wars would be like? I shudder at the thought.

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