I coped an album to my empeg that was too large and I (again) hosed it.
Let's rewind a bit.
First, a too-large album should simply refuse to synch, but not hose the empeg. In theory, anyway. Thus, suggesting something other than that album might be at fault for the problem.
Second: Define "hosed it" more clearly, please? Do you mean, it always does database rebuilds every time it boots?
Third: What player firmware are you running? If it's one of the 3.0 Alphas, that's your problem right there. I had multiple weird crashes during synchs and database rebuilds with the alphas.
but when I get to the part where I type exit, the database rebuilds and then I can't hit q or control c to get to a bash prompt.
How long did you wait for the databse to rebuild? You shouldn't be trying to hit q until after the rebuild is done. If you have a lot of tunes and playlists, it could be a little while. How large is the hard disk on your player and how many total tracks do you have on there?