The hardware all exists today if you're willing to hook it up - which isn't that difficult with some parts. There are even hardware products that integrate a ton of functional hardware into "one box" so to speak. The biggest missing piece of the puzzle? Software.
There's some out there but does it meet the criteria you'd use to decide whether it qualifies as "empeg-like" - don't know. I haven't heard of anything that quite fits the bill in this regard.
The next problem is in trying to integrate such a solution into a car that already has its own system that may overlap considerably with what you're trying to install. Far better in that case would be to integrate with the on-board system, using its input and output devices to control and display/play your content and other middleware. This is difficult mostly because these systems tend to be proprietary, and even if something more simple like control knobs and joysticks can be decoded, figuring out how to take over the CPU, operating system and display are another matter entirely.
But if you ask me what I think the killer product would be, the above lays down the foundation. Installing a "box" that would provide anything else your built-in system didn't have, while allowing you to run either patched built-in software or a brand new interface to control the whole lot. Of course, without interfering with anything else the onb-board-system might do, like control your engine.
