Ok, I reloaded the dev. 2.01 final once again nothing new to report. Same non response.
I went into the bash prompt and type in as directed.

rw- EXT-2-fs warning: Checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended.

All three of the other directories (database, playlists, tags) came back as: cannot remove ' empeg/var/database* ' : No such file or directory .

I then tried player -i again and same story...Aborted.

Ahhh.. so we have a corrupted "tag" file most likely.

Well, if you don't mind re-uploading the music, then do this:

Hit Control^C to get a command prompt again. Then do:

rm -r /drive0/fids/*
player -i

wait for it to "finish".. should take a minute or less, then hit Control^C again, and..


If that works, no need for the builder image.
