Thanks for the reply Tony. It was a bit of a long shot asking here - just thought someone might have had some experience.

It is for work environment so will be done regularly and needs to be reliable. So Windows Backup is out really. We're talking ~1 million files totalling 300-400GB. A 50 user server. Possibly with Exchange Server soon too so that will require the Exchange plugin. Daily backups will be the norm too.

This is professional software like ArcServe/Veritas/whatever. As I understand it they can be equally cryptic. We actually paid for it - it wasn't a freebie like I implied. It was recommended by Dell to go with the Dell (actually IBM) LTO3 drive we purchased. It's too late to return it and get something else - my fault - not enough time to set it up.

If I had the choice again I probably would pick Yosemite (old Tapeware). Although not the greatest, it did seem to work OK in the older version we had on our DLT drive.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)