I bought the Firefly box set after a recommendation on this board and loved every episode. I am amazed at how it had zero exposure here in the UK.
So, what is Carnivāle about?
I guess the easiest description is that Carnivāle is a story of the battle between good and evil set in the 1930's American dust bowl. The story its self has a fairly large mythology and story that is difficult to sum up. The show is also about some of the most impressive cinematography and set design you'll ever see on TV. It's very slow to unravel, but it's worth it.
I think that this is definitely a Netflix/rental recommendation. It's hard to tell people to go out and buy this one like they did with Firefly, since the Carnivāle box sets have never dipped below $65 in price, as far as I've seen. I bought each the day they came out for $80, just because I didn't want to wait for them to ship. My best guess is that they want to recoup some of the enormous cost of producing the show.