AMD or Intel?

Right now, I'd be holding on until the desktop Intel Core Duo kit came out, and then looking at suitable motherboards, etc.

Last month, I'd definitely recommend (essentially) what I bought, but maybe slightly quicker...

Yeah, it's about time Intel caught up (and from what I hear, zoomed past) AMD. Still, with the amount of time that AMD has been at the lead, it makes me wonder what they have set to go (aside from that 4x4 stuff).

I'm also looking at building a PC. I'm probably going to take a slightly easier route and go with Shuttle. Most of the work is already done for you, you just drop the parts in (I'm exaggerating, but compared to installing a motherboard, I think I'm fairly accurate). My main desire for a Shuttle, aside from the size, is that I know that most of the important parts coexist peacefully. For the past year or so, my machine has given me some very odd behaviors that seem to point to the motherboard not liking how it's installed or what's plugged into it (USB connections are especially flaky).

Anyway, I'm going to wait to see what AMD does next, since I'd like to stick with them (my best friend is an Intel loyalist for some reason ).