Wry comments aside, it surprises me that the people in police custody are English-born. What drives these people? Why are they so bent on hating everyone?

Well, it briefly surprised me (not this time, but last time with the Tube bombings) but then it occurred to me that being surprised means one more easily believes foreigners to be murderous than compatriots, which I then felt uncomfortable about. The whole "well, they were foreigners anyway" thing can make it too easy to avoid the question of what it is that drives any human being like you or I into doing these things.

While what you're saying is true, and should be at the heart of any attempt to solve these problems, the issue isn't that they're foreigners, it's the concept that they lived here for years and years, and were still engendered to attack. It's not that you view foreigners as more murderous, but the fact that they were murderous towards people they lived among, rather than complete strangers. And I think that that must also be taken into consideration when trying to solve the problem.
Bitt Faulk