Right now, Bluray still has the most movie studios behind it, but HD DVD has more movies on the shelves. Neither format has 100% movie studio participation, and thus far the studios supporting both have yet to actually release the same movies on both formats.
For example, if your a SciFi fan, you have to have both players. Otherwise you only get Serenity on HD DVD, or only Fifth Element on Bluray. There is no way to enjoy both in HD on a single player or format.
The problem is, as far as I've seen, it isn't possible to tell which movies will be available where, except for those already released.
Wikipedia does have a list of current and future announced titles for both Bluray and HD DVD.
I'm not sure why people are already declaring a winner, since it is far from over at this point. It seems odd to me to invest in something that still has two sides clearly fighting each other, and neither even being out for even a year at this point. Consumers really don't have much power in things like this, and I think this one will be settled by the retailers. If a few major stores pull one format off the shelves, it will likely start the avalanche needed for the other side to win.
I'm definitely going to get the Wii, and I was going to get the PS3 but I decided on the xbox after talking to some dude at Gamestop.
For the game consoles, it's mostly down to what game titles you want to play and enjoy. If your planning on also watching HD movies on a console, then price wise the PS3 and the 360 are about the same. PS3 is either $500 or $600, both capable of playing Bluray, and both with a hard drive. The $600 model will have HDMI out for full 1080p support on movies if the ICT flag does get turned on more frequently. The 360 is base price $300 or 4$00, then add in the rumored HD DVD price of $200 and you have the same $500 or $600 deal. However, the 360 lower end does not have a hard drive (something I consider essential), and neither model have HDMI out, thus if an HD DVD movie enforces ICT, you will have a 540p picture.
Microsoft has said they would likely release a Bluray drive for the 360 if the format wins, however they didn't define any type of timeframe for such a declaration. Sony hasn't said anything about allowing the PS3 to read HD DVD at all. So assuming gaming wise the 360 looks better, it might be the way to go movie wise as well, with enough time to see what format wins.