After several years of wanting one, I finally have a Mustang parked in my garage. My dealer called on wednesday to let me know it came in, and I took an extended lunch to go sign for it. Thus far I have put 500 miles on it, all while making sure to drive at variable RPMs to get the engine broken in.
I'm really glad the dealer hassle is over with now. I had tried to order at two different places before finally being able to work with the third dealership. I wanted to custom order the car to have every option on the car my choice (well, except the stereo, sadly camelot wasn't an option), and the first dealer refused, instead trying to pressure me in to one off their lot. Second dealer claimed to order the car, but after 3 weeks it wasn't in the Ford system, and they were not willing to look into it until I came in to have it cancelled.
Now to figure out how best to mount the empeg in the dash. For now, I'm using the aux in jack tucked in the center console to let my Karma play the music.

My gallery with more pictures and a video of the dash changing colors is
located here.