The Renault, much too clever system, with no keys and sensors that turn the lights and wipers on and off, as well as picking your nose when needed, has no actual ignition off, it's controlled by a pulse: A bullshitter at the Reg Vardy dealership told me, but when you've ripped out the two dedicated units (that jump about like crazy on Welsh B roads) and discovered that they are bog standard din units with a bit of pretty face paint, it all works like any other frigging car!
Trust me: with a system involving five relays in a box, I managed to get the Empeg to work in the Range Rover with the stock HU and amps, so that the proprietary radio/CD player came back on when you switched off the Empeg or removed it, when I took it down to Unicar, they said: "That's so ingenious, you can only clap your hands!" - I was only stumped by the Bose system in the Audi TT, because the amps aren't at line level..
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