So, I've had my clarkconnect box up and running for a few weeks now, it was hardware failure and the drive is being replaced for free

I didn't want to start a new topic, but...
I have been messing around again. This time with the MultiWAN features of clarkconnect. Basically I've had a second line and broadband installed to the house (long story, basically I'm having tenants in who are big internet users) one plus side of this is that I get use of it

I have got the CC box hooked up to it, and it seems to be working fine it makes use of both dsl lines just fine (load balancing, so it's not faster I just get more bandwidth) I want to test if my webserver is working ok, could a few people hit and let me know if it's working. I am wondering if the load balancing will effect the web server etc... but of course when I try it from here it always works

Thanks in advance
