I don't know what is happening. Everytime I reboot I get an error message telling me that XP needs to scan one of my drives. Whenever it does it finds errors in files and deletes them. If I skip the scanning I will eventually find a file on that drive that I cannot view or even delete because it is corrupt. It seems that every time I come across corrupt files it is a picture of my six month old son which really pisses me off. Luckily I have backups of the pictures and I haven't lost one yet.

The drive is a 300 gig WD partitioned with one huge NTFS partition. I have run all the scan tools on it and the media is fine. For some reason it seems that the filesystem is damaging the files itself. Two nights ago I copied pictures from my camera over to my drive and started looking at them. One picture was distorted the first time I looked at it. Almost like someone took the top half and moved it over 20 or 30 pixels. Other times I have been viewing pictures using Windows Picture and Fax viewer and when I get to a picture it gives me the message that the image is not available. If I try to copy a good backup over it Windows won't let me. If I try to delete it, Windows won't let me and tells me the file is corrupt.

I've Googled this problem and I can't seem to find anything that relates to it. Anybody have any suggestions?


P.S. Reformatting with Linux and staying with Linux won't work for me due to work. I do have Ubuntu on this machine and am hoping to move to it eventually.
12 gig empeg Mark II, SN: 080000101
30 gig RioCar SN: 30103114
My blog