Yup, I've been running it as my primary TV for over a year now.

So, is the EPG of any value whatsoever for strictly off-the-air use?

And I wonder if it could be made to work with a couple of ATI Remote's that I just happen to have lying around here...

On an unrelated note, I took 3 hours this past Saturday to install Ubuntu-Edgy + MythTV onto my new designated PVR box, and spent the rest of the day watching HiDef CBC and trying to get the ATI remotes to do something meaningful. Looks like I'll need to set them up from scratch for MythTV.

The HDHomeRun HD dual-tuner box is really good, and works well here. It'll be nice for a lot of folks when SageTV finally supports it properly.


Edited by mlord (14/11/2006 19:21)