My thoughts on the new site..

Actually, I like it. I feel like a lot of you, there is a part of me that hates to see the empeg name go away, from the player to the website. There is a definite comeradery associated with it, especially here at this site. But the cons probably do not outweigh the pros. Rio will be able to give plenty to this product. However, I refuse to change my boot logo from the familiar empeg logo.

While I have not explored the new site extensively, I think its pretty slick. Someone else mentioned the use of red on the site, I personally don't mind it. I guess thats a personality quirk of mine..

I did not like the fact that there was not an obvious link to this message base and feel that Rio would do well to place one, and not bury it three (pop up?!) pages back. I know that Rio values what we say or they would not have invited us to take their marketing survey. We are capable of selling plenty of these units ourselves and THIS is where we meet.

I look forward to the site as it becomes more and more polished. And remember, times change. We must change with the times or grow stagnant and die.


080000506 12gb-green
Carl Aydelotte Dallas Texas USA empeg MKII 080000506 40gb-green