I'm pissed off by how people treat animals in general. In particular it seems that people just don't know how to take care of dogs. Here's a tip: if you can't properly care for a dog, you're not ready to breed, so do us all a favor and don't.
While in college, I found a dog running out in the middle of a busy road. I pulled over and was eventually able to get it into the back of my car. I then took it home and let it out in my fenced-in backyard until I could figure out what to do with it. I started to consider keeping it, but I was a college student who was learning how to take care of myself

So I found a local shelter and dropped it off there. I hope that it found a home and didn't end up being put down, but I did what I could do. I think the shelter was run by the humane society, so that made me feel a little better. While I had the dog, though, I pretty much figured out why they let it go. It had an absolute compulsion for humping legs. While I had it, that's all it would do. you could push it off, but it would come right back. What made it more confusing was that the shelter insisted that it was a female

So that was one of about four dogs that I've found running around in the middle of the road. I returned two more until I gave up. People in my neighborhood now are terrible at keeping their dogs on their property. I really want to tell them that they're going to kill their dog, and ask them if they care. I'm sorry, but some dogs just aren't smart enough to realize that the middle of an intersection is not where you should lie down.