Lately I've been getting glass bottled Cokes imported from Mexico instead of the local ones. They taste way better to me with the real sugar.

I went to a Mexican restaurant (shack) near Rio Santa Clara once, and all my US colleagues ordered bottled Coke, making sure the (not noticeably anglophone) waitress understood about the "bottled" part. When I asked them why they were so careful to get the bottled stuff, they explained that it came in bottles from Mexico and so was made with sugar, whereas the draught stuff was made from US-sourced concentrate and so was made with HFCS. And they were quite right, I found out: the HFCS Coke just didn't taste right.

The weird thing for me was that, to foreigners like me, Coca-Cola is so iconic of the US -- but there I was in the US drinking it with Americans and they wouldn't touch it unless it was imported from Mexico...
