My girlfriends Empeg player died when she hit a bumb going down the road the other day. when we put it in my sled to see if it was her wiring or the player it wouldn't play in my car either so we figured player. When I then put my unit back in mine wouldn't play either and it did just minutes before I put hers in. So when I opened her player I found a hard drive screw loose in the player it was near the dc plug stuck between the chassis and the board. I plugged the player in the home dc plug and both of them work fine but when we plug either one into either car they both don't work we have also checked the fuses in the car and they are fine.....any suggestions?

Edited by deadsled13 (26/12/2006 01:46)
Check out The Tremors the best hillbilly rock n roll you ever set your corn fuel soaked ears to.

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