This all started because my Sennheiser HD-590's had started cutting out, but it was just the lead so that was a quick and easy fix, so they are staying.

The feed will be my Squeezebox 3 for now, as I have fried my soundcard. I have already started transfering some of my favs to flac.

I thought I would give the valve thing a go, what interests me about the 336i is the ability to easily change the tubes out, the ones used seem pretty cheap with lots of choice. I don't usually buy blind with this sort of thing, but I thought I would put a few CD's together and go and try a few others at my local HiFi shops so I have a reference (read: so if I know if it should go back on eBay )

Thanks for all the great suggestions, lots for me to look up there! Keep em coming...

