If religion is that important to the Muslim community, then the world needs to know that and respect it. We're a global humanity and will have to start getting along with our "neighbors" all over the world.
The insight from visuvius is exactly what the world needs more of. It helps broaden our understanding and combat "terrorism", the instilling of terror, carried out by both radicals and the American government. (and hey, if we find out that various middle eastern cultures want to battle with each other forever, than we should let them)
Of course, foreign terrorists will need to likewise extend a little understanding toward America, realizing that many of us do not support the democratic missionary work being done in Iraq. And there must be a reason that America supports Israel, but it's surely beyond what the government will let the citizens comprehend.
[edit] Oh, and no level of "broadening our understanding" should try to justify NAMBLA and crap like that. Instead, we should extend the offer to understand that people involved seriously need help with their issues.
Edited by FireFox31 (13/01/2007 23:06)
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