I have to ask again...when a new kernel is uploaded to the player, what additional files are required to make it successful?

It depends on how the kernel is coded, what the additional files are, and what you want to do. Each case is different. There's no way to write a permanent FAQ on the subject, since it would change every time somebody decides to add a new feature.

Here are some current examples of how it works (these are subject to change):

- Richard Lovejoy's volume adjustment kernel: No additional files needed if you just want to leave it "on" all the time.

- Richard Lovejoy's volume adjustment kernel: Picker files are required if you want to be able to turn it on and off. Instructions for this are available.

- Displayserver: This is a stand-alone program that does not require any changes to the kernel at all. It works without a special kernel. Displayserver has its own installation program, INSTALL.SH, that runs stand-alone.

- Displayserver: IRhack kernel is required only for one of displayserver's features: The ability to click on the buttons in the Java applet to remote-control the empeg. The IRhack code allows it to interpret messages from the Java applet as if they were IR commands. If this kernel is not installed, Displayserver still works fine, you just can't click on the Java applet.

See? It depends on what you're doing and what kernel you're running.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris