program do you use to download the src files to the empeg player

You don't download source files to the empeg player.

When you talk to us geeks, the word "source" has special meaning. It means source code, the stuff the programmers work with which gets compiled into executable files. To do this compiling (at least in the case of the Empeg), you need to have a computer running the Debian version of Linux with the ARM cross-compiler, something you probably don't have set up right now.

Usually, the stuff you send to the empeg player is already compiled. For instance, if you want to send the Volume Adjustment kernel to the empeg, you send the already-compiled kernel image to the player, and ignore the source code.

What program you use to send the software to the empeg depends on what the software is. If it's a kernel image, or a custom logo, you store it in the empeg's flash ram, and there's a FAQ on the subject here. If it's a piece of software that runs from the empeg's hard disk (such as Displayserver or Emptris), you use the Linux command prompt with Hyperterminal in windows, as described here, but you need to know some stuff about Linux before you can do that easily.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris