I was talking with some people about this article the other day. Seems clear to me that this idiot hasn't used a Mac in about five years. I personally "enjoyed" the jab about Macs not being "proper" computers. As if Windows is the be-all-end-all to computing.

I could go on about how MacOS X is a more "proper" computer than Windows will ever be, but that's ridiculous, because the notion of one computer being inherently better than another is absurd. He claims that Mac users are elitist, but he's bashing their computers as much as they theoretically bash his. That seems just as elitist to me, but based on less fact.

If he wants to complain about a lack of games, fair enough, but that's hardly the computer's fault; it's the fault of the game manufacturers only building for one platform. You don't hear people calling the XBox crap simply because it won't play Mario Cart.

Other than games, there's little a Windows machine can do that a Mac can't. Sure, there's more freeware, but 90% of that freeware is crap anyway. Plus, the Mac gives you a more utile scripting system, both via AppleScript and via Unix scripting. Now that Macs are running equivalently fast processors, I can't see any reason not to get one as long as you don't have a particular application tying you to Windows.

Of course, that doesn't mean you have to. If you want to continue using Windows, that's fine. There are many valid reasons to do so. I got a Windows computer for my mother because there's no reason for her to learn a new UI paradigm. (Or for me to try to teach it to her and respond to fifty phone calls a week.) But just because you choose to use Windows doesn't mean that you have to bash the Mac. Or the other way around. Certainly the ads do. It's not really very good advertising practice to point out the merits of competitors.
Bitt Faulk