It was made in a pre-Myspace/YouTube world. So, as part of the comedy troupe's transition to Myspace, about 9 days prior to this, one of us decided to upload the video into the Motor City Improv profile. It's been several years since we've done any video because of all the hours of work that's involved, so that 4 year old video was the most recent. The must randomly view uploaded videos because it was only uploaded to our profile. It was not submitted to Myspace per se.

The contest for MADtv was a similar situation. They had a contest and word got around to all the comedy troupes. We're fortunate to have video content just "sitting" there, even if it's years old. Other troupes only had a month to write/shoot/edit. This kind of stuff comes up ALL the time but this is the one time in a million where something actually came from it!

Thanks for the kind words! This stuff is hard to shoot and some of the ones we shot worked much better on stage than they did on video, but it's all part of learning what translates better. The bonus is that this hunter stuff is the easiest to shoot because you can use any outdoor setting. No need for lighting crews etc. I assume the guys will be writing a few more segments and tweaking them on stage before their weekly improv shows.
Brad B.