Wow. That's strange. I find the all the TiVo resolutions other than best quality unwatchable.

Odd. The few times I've recorded at higher quality, I didn't see an appreciable difference. To give an idea of what quality I am watching... on Tony's sign, I could see the words (long words vs short words) but not make out the letters. That's good enough for me.

My premise is that storage is cheap. There's no reason not to drop a 500 gig drive in there and watch everything with as good quality as possible.

Well, maybe... but having only 30 hours available forces me to watch the good stuff first, and delete programs (to make room for more good stuff) that I would otherwise waste time watching if they were available. I don't have anything like a home theater setup -- just an old Akai 27" CRT in the bedroom.

It's $13 with TimeWarner in our area and I think it was only $11 with Adelphia before the switch.

I had to chuckle at that. Where I live, the cable/satellite companies won't even talk to you for less than $40 or $50 a month. Captive market. Last time I checked, the subdivision where I live was served only by a small independent company with probably fewer than 1,000 subscribers.

I would like to subscribe to cable to get Discovery, History, and Speed channels. Nothing else interests me all that much, and those three combined don't interest me $50 a month worth.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"