No, that article was written on Wednesday. The page says April 11, 2000 but that is an error (Y2K bug?) It mentions Windows XP, and Windows XP didn't exist a year ago, even as a fart in Bill Gates' butt cheeks.

Well, the name XP didn't exist then, but the OS did (with the name Windows 2000 still in most places, only a few places had the Whistler code name in it).

MS is always working on an OS. The Win2000 code had already gone through a few daily build cycles by the time it hit store shelves.

But anyway on the topic, this will put a minor crimp in MP3 creating by low level consumers, since they are the type to just use whatever is there in the OS. Really dosen't bother me too much, since it won't in any way effect my CD ripping.