After being corrected by Larry on basically every single point, I feel like an ass. Just to clarify, how does two 30A breakers on different phases equal 30A? Not trying to argue, but it seems that each leg is capable of pulling 30A, independent of the other. In my mind, it would make sense that one would need a 60A recepticle to handle it. But I guess that's all in how it's labled. Is it that each wire can handle 60A? Grrrr.... Now I'm going to have to borrow a meter from work and check for myself to convince myself..

As to the 8:1 bend ratio, how can that even be possible in most (at least, my) circuit panels? I only have 2" or so to go from vertical to horizontal on my wires. This doesn't seem like enough physical space for a 4-6 guage wire. Not to mention the 0 guage mains that turn in almost as little radius.