Well, I finally gave in and ordered one, and I agree, they're fantastic. The downside is that it was a right pain in the arse getting four monitors working off the same PC, and now that I have made it work, the PC is too slow anyway So I need yet another round of upgrades. This always happens - "I'll just replace this bit and reuse the other parts" you think to yourself, then find out you need to replace this part as well, and this one, and that one doesn't fit properly anymore, and I need some longer cables now...

It would have been easier to just set up a whole new machine from scratch! At least I managed to move my windows 2000 installation complete with all the installed software to another drive, so I don't have to add three weeks of software installation to the task list.

Now, of course, having seen the 24 inch one, I'm lusting after the 30 incher Perhaps when the lottery picks the right numbers...


Oh yes, for anyone running multiple head monitor systems under windows, this is really useful. It allows a separate task bar for each monitor, so tasks on that monitor minimise to the correct taskbar. It also allows you to save and restore the desktop icons, which is something I've been looking for for about 10 years.

Edit: fixed your link -wfaulk

295975-multiplemonitorgoodness.jpg (205 downloads)

Edited by wfaulk (16/03/2007 12:18)
Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...