Ah, that's the *new* XKR.

We thought about it - then we looked at the price and stopped thinking.

We do like it - especially from the back.

The problem is, a year or so back we went to see them being made in the factory - they were gorgeous. When we came out though we waited by a car park until the minibus came to take us back to Jag HQ. As we waited we saw some cars parked up. It took a second look to realise one was the new XK. It just blended into the sea of normal cars. That's why all Jaguar's publicity shots show it from behind - heck even the dealers have them with the rear end facing the showroom windows!!!

That was the real deciding moment for us.

The old style XK never just 'blended in'
Especially when it was lowered an inch or so.
LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's