So, I've had a Windows Mobile Axim for years, and even though I liked it, I used very little because I did not particularly like to carry that AND the phone, and have contacts on three locations (Outlook too) never perfectly in sych.
Finally, I got a Palm Treo 750v, cleaned up all my contacts, synched once for all, and also got a Car Kit from Palm, which I can't do without anymore.
I've been using the Palm 750v for two weeks, now, and I simply
love it. And I love the OS, now that I am using it on a daily basis. While there are things that can be improved, most of them can be solved using third party applications or I don't find too annoying. At the end of the day, I found Windows Mobile 5 just good and rock solid.
The hardware is just top quality. The keyboard, in particular, is superb. Too bad Palm 750V does not come with WiFi connectivity and integrated GPS. It would have been the perfect palm device.
This thread has been very useful, so thank you for all the great recommendations.
Now, does anybody has a recommendation about a good (possibly the best) Tetris on Windows Mobile?