OK, this is a complete longshot, but I figured I should try to take advantage of the positive juju current that flows here. I mean, the Empeg BBS works in mysterious ways.
I just want to say that I am aware of a job opening in Seattle Washington for a mostly systems administrator. I say "mostly" because it will undoubtably also involve more mundane work like helping people figure out how to fit their coffee cup in the weird cup holder on their PC. So, it will not suffice to be a Linux/iptables/perl god or goddess. You'll need to work happily and effectively with many people who aren't aware that those three things exist.
The upside? No risky, unreliable stock options. No anxieties about what you'll have to do if you get rich and have to retire early.
I can also say with some confidence that the customary requirement to call certain persons "Mister Hogan'. "Your Highness", or "Your Excellency" will be waived. And no commuting to Redmond

Please contact me for the relevant URL.