That seems like a really good deal to me. The lens alone is probably around $400 new.

I have been happy with the Canon line. I've owned a Pro 70, D30, D60, 10D, 1DS, and 1D Mk II and a variety of lenses.

Many of my friends own Nikon and are happy. When I review their pictures, I always find dust spots. While this can be a problem with any digital SLR, I don't see this as much with Canon bodies (excluding the 1DS).

I have owned the 28-135mm lens twice. Both copies were excellent, dead on focus and sharp. I could easily hand hold this lens with IS down to 1/10th of a second. The lens is pretty slow for indoor shooting without a flash, but is a great outdoor lens for people and an all around great lens for landscape and nature photography.

I shoot as much as I can without a flash, so low noise at higher ISO settings is important to me.

I think you'd be happy with this 30D package.
