It depends entirely on Roadrunner. I don't know what that product is or what it does exactly. I don't know how it works.

EmpegFace was made to be a stand-alone application, and it's not very friendly with regards to integrating with other applications. For example there is a lot of hard coding to make it appear in the task bar, it depends on the right mouse button to show its configuration menus, etc.

HOWEVER... the actual functional thing that EmpegFace is doing in the background is very simple. It's polling a certain URL to display the screen, and when you press a button or a key, it's sending a URL to the player. Nothing more complicated than that. That's all it does.

If Roadrunner is extensible with that kind of thing, it would be brain-dead-easy to add it. Easier, probably, than it would be to try to shoehorn empegFace into someone else's front-end.

Do you have any links to Roadrunner? Uncle Google is linking me to Warner Brothers cartoons.
Tony Fabris