Unfortunately, I don't have the ability right now to make my environment equivalent to yours, but basically:
  • Install RedMon
  • Start the "Add Printer Wizard"
  • You want to add a "local printer" (don't autodetect)
  • Create a new port of type "Redirected Port" named RPT1:
  • For the printer type, select the Apple LaserWriter II NT (it's just a generic PostScript printer)
  • Name the printer whatever you want, but keep in mind that this is the one you will be printing to from Linux. Maybe name it the same as the real printer but put "(PS)" after it or something. If you want to print via lpd for some reason, only use alphanumerics and no spaces in the name
  • You probably don't want it to be the default printer
  • You do want to share the printer. The same name as the internal name is probably fine
  • Finish the wizard. You don't want to print a test page.
  • Open your printers control panel, select the printer you just made, right click it and select Properties.
  • Click on the Ports tab, make sure that RPT1: is selected and click "Configure Port"
  • In the first field, enter the path to the gs binary (gswin32c.exe or something like that)
  • In the arguments field, enter:
    -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dNoCancel -sDEVICE=mswinpr2 -sOutputFile="%printer%realprinter"

    (where "realprinter" is the name of the real printer as shown in the Printers control panel)
  • For Output, "Program handles output"
  • Everything else should be defaults
That should be it for setup.

First see if it works from within Windows. Try printing a test page. If it doesn't work at this point, there's something wrong with the configuration. Using the logfile option in the port configuration might help figure this out.

If it does work from within Windows, try printing to it from Linux. (I'd delete the old printer you configured and start over.) SMB printing should be fine. If it doesn't print at this point and it did from within Windows, it's probably because the user that it gets run as for a network job doesn't know about the real printer. I'm going to cross my fingers that this is not the case for you, because I don't remember how to solve this problem off the top of my head.
Bitt Faulk