I wonder if you could tape one of the reply-paid envelopes to a brick and post that

My other evil plan with respect to junk mail was this:
Step 1) Set up a mailbox on your property with a separate mailing address, ie a mail slot in the garage door or something and call it 123b something road.
Step 2) install a large mulching machine inside the door that the mail slot feeds into.
Step 3) sign up for every mailing list you can find for that address.
Step 4) let the free paper pour into your mulching machine, turn it on, and extrude compressed bricks of paper waste.
Step 5) burn said waste, generate heat and power to run your house, free of charge.
Another thought occurs: I wonder what price recycled paper brings? Would it be profitable to sell on junk mail for recycling, if you could get enough of it?