
Yeah, this is my gaming/development rig. I need a fast CPU and a good graphics card.

I've opted for a replacement nVidia 7900 card

If you can you may want to cancel the order for the 7900. I know a few friends that just started having problems with their 7900 and the card slowly got worst. I think the problem was something wrong in the specs from Nvidia. I would recommend getting a 7950 as they went to new ram and these problems went away.

Given my abortive attempt to use a Hush PC for this, I'm reluctant to get my fingers burnt again, but I'm looking at the mCubed HFX Mini.

In my HTPC I have an AMD X2 5400+ with the XFX 7950 GT. I have this card so I can use the NVidia Pure video codec combined with Zoomplayer and AnyDVD to go directly to the movie (IE skip ads). This has been the best DVD setup I've used and I've tried quite a bit of them. The PC can be heard but not over the lightbulb fan for my TV.